Edition | Unikat |
Sujet | Porträt |
Technik | Malerei |
Höhe | 80 cm |
Breite | 60 cm |
Länge/Tiefe | 2 cm |
Tusche auf Leinwand (keine Pinsel verwendet)
Dieses ganze Porträt ist nicht mit einem Pinsel gemalt, sondern besteht aus Fingerabdrücken. Sie können sich hier ein kurzes Video des Prozesses ansehen:
Helka Ivanyi
"I like expressing my opinion in the language of visuality, or telling my stories, complaining, rejoicing. To give a face, a form, a gesture to my personal negative or even positive experiences, or to a larger scale event in the world, to which I, as an earthly inhabitant, have to react in my own language.
It feels very liberating to export intense emotions to my canvases. I would compare it to a big sigh that one holds back for a long time. In this case, a big, colorful, surrealistic sigh. This is why I see my paintings as visual diaries."
Honors, Awards and Exhibitons:
2st place, Earl George Festetics Museum Collection "Women" Competition - participation on the exhibition (Hévíz, Hungary)
2st place, Új Nemzedék Competition - the prize was a trip to Romania
Participation in the BUD Airport Gallery Exhibition (Budapest, Hungary)
Participation in the "Fine Arts - Students" Exhibition (Budapest, A38 Boat, Hungary)
Participation in the Photo Biennal of Szeklerland (Sepsiszentgyörgy, Romania)
Own photo exhibition in Nappali (Pécs, Hungary)
Publication in the The Mind's Eye & AAP Magazine ( , )
Participation in the "Vizsga-remek" Exhibition (Nick Udvar, Pécs, Hungary)
Participation in the " IT ALL BEGAN SECRETLY exhibition/TITKOSAN KEZDŐDÖTT kiáll(ít)ás" (Kálvin tér (open air), Budapest, Hungary)
Participation in the "Borderless Reality" group exhibition (Trash Art Gallery, Vienna, Austria)
Article about the "Borderless Reality" group exhibition with radio broadcast:
Participation in the Freeszfe Jótékonysági Aukció / Freeszfe Charity Auction 2021 (online auction)
Participation in Vienna Auction for Ukraine (online auction)
Merit Prize Award "PORTRAIT - 4" International Juried Art Competition by Art Show International Gallery (online, )
Featured Artist in de Curated from May to Aug 2022 ()
Featured Artist in Human Body is Art 2022 - contemporary art magazine, curated and published by Bruxelles Art Vue
Live painting at Ozora Festival (Ozora, Hungary)
Participation in the art exhibition of Ozora Festival (Ozora, Hungary)
Participation in the "Random" group exhibition (Trash Art Gallery, Vienna, Austria)
Participation in the "glokal_normal" group exhibition (Die|Aula exhibition series, Vienna, Austria)
Participation in "DTR-Dress To Represent" art event (The Location, Vienna, Austria)
Featured Artist in Goddessarts Magazine Issue 6
Participation in the "FEM GARAGE" group exhibition (The Highbrow Institute - Garage Grande, Vienna, Austria)
Featured artist in VYC ZINE No.001
Participation in the "VYC SPACE THE EXHIBITION" group exhibition (Spektakel, Vienna, Austria)
Participation in DANTE - ELECTRIC EDEN POPUP MUSIC & ART FESTIVAL group exhibition (Vienna, Austria)
Participation in the "I paint muse, I paint your dreams" group exhibition (Make A Team Austria, Vienna, Austria)
Participation in the "UNRELEASED" group exhibition /AA Records ft. VYC\ (Vie i pee, Vienna, Austria)
Live painting at Ozora Festival (Ozora, Hungary)
Participation in the art exhibition of Ozora Festival (Ozora, Hungary)
Solo exhibition ‘TRANCE GLANCE’ from 19.09-16.10 at Easy Art Space (Budapest, Hungary) ()
Participation in the "V.A.D. - Visions to another Dimension" group exhibition series at Gödör ; Szabad (Budapest, Hungary)
Participation in the art exhibition at Boldogkisfaludfeszt (Bodrogkisfalud, Hungary)
![Foto von Helka Ivanyi Foto von Helka Ivanyi](https://studenten-kunstmarkt.cstatic.io/media/56/77/26/1696942269/2349cf2ce241462eafcabc5783c9326d_0F2A8228%201%281%29editedSMALL.jpg)